Thursday, April 14, 2022

LION, cunning tiger and jackals

 Lion is Russia

Cunning tiger is United States of America situated 10,000 kms from Russia.

Jackals are countries of European Union and NATO

Not having ability to handle Russia single handedly, the jackals 28 in number of Europe and 2 in number in North America created an organization called NATO. The formation of alliance itself establishes the fact that a single jackal country cannot handle Russia alone, hence the alliance. That is why they have joined together. It itself shows their individual incapability. 

A cunning tiger called USA that is 10,000 kms away from the lion keeps NATO jackals for its support to bleed the lion Russia, damage it psychologically, drain it economically.

All these countries about 40 in number as on today do not have "guts" to get into a "war" with Russia. They only keep "blabbering" with their mass communication mediums. If they had guts, the 30+ countries that are together should have entered a war in Ukraine against Russia.

It will require only 6 TOPOL - M ICBMs and about 30 minutes for Russia to demilitarize Ukraine and make Russia safer from US and NATO jackals. Russians care about Ukrainian civilians more that their leader, us or nato. 

1 million ukranians refugees fled to neighbouring countries on first week perhaps, the satanic leaders of west showed their teeth and talked brave in interviews.

2 million ukranians refugees fled to neighbouring countries on second week perhaps, the satanic leaders of west showed their teeth and talked brave in interviews

3 million ukranians refugees on third week perhaps - the same happened

Now there are over 5 million ukranian refugees who have lost their homes, living like beggars and orphans every where. The satanic western leaders keep showing their teeth and talk brave in front of cameras. These incorrigible leaders are particular in "damaging" and "ruining" "draining" Russia instead of "not letting harm to happen" to 5 million ukranian civilians who are now refugees because a mental retard president was adamant over an extremely harmless issue for his country - not joining NATO. Now his whole country is on fire, NATO jackals are only watching it. Ukraine wanted to join NATO military alliance to safeguard itself from a Russian attack. Now the whole of it is on fire. What is the point of being "adamant" on joining NATO. The threat has already been executed. It has been attacked. 

Just imagine, a man had a family that was happy in their own home. Now his house is gone. His family is living somewhere begging food and living like orphans - the future uncertain. How much pain he and his family must be having. Now the man is not allowed outside Ukraine. He will be given a gun to shoot Russians. His wife and children must be in some other country. He is to protect Ukraine that Russia considers as western ally and dangerous for its existence. 

Five million ukranian families are now living like beggars and orphans. Does the world media show the psychological trauma they are in. They only spend their energies showing Russians as aggressors. 

THE ROOT CAUSE OF 5 MILLION UKRANIAN REFUGEES LIVING LIKE ORPHANS IS Ukranian president Zelensky, US president Joe Biden and NATO jackals not the Russian president who only wants to keep Russia safer in future.



IF THEY DONT HAVE GUTS, THEY SHOULD NOT SHOW THEIR TEETH AND TALK BRAVE in front of cameras and publish interviews in mass communication and fool millions of "mental retards"

Does Great Britain has guts to get into war with Russia alone. 

Does Germany has guts to get into war with Russia alone.

Does France has guts to get into war with Russia alone.

Does the Great USA has guts to get into war with Russia. The Russian military spending being only 10%  of  US military spending. 


Aliens attack - forgive and preserve humans for deterence

This page was first published on 8 March, 2022 at 

US did a blunder killing Osama Bin Laden. He would have created an dangerous kamikaze (suicide fighter jet pilot) squad with muslim pilots in the event of an aliens attack. Now we must create another one. It is like killing a world chess champion and creating another for a specific purpose. Osama Bin Laden would have been an excellent commander, motivator of kamikaze human resistance in the event of aliens attack. They killed him. It was a blunder. 

Hope, Russians do not kill Zelensky, instead forgive him for he is a man of great courage with limited means in the event of an aliens attack. In the war against Russia, he is only "suicidal". Bravery is when there is no alternative left and fight is unavoidable. When a problem or war has solutions, it will be wise to subdue and withdraw. 

June 26th, 2022




Conquer Ukraine. Be magnanimous. Forgive Zelensky. Ask for forgiveness from Ukraine people who became refugees. Put a neutral government or former USSR like government. Let people be democratic in their life with Russian roots like they were in history. A great lesson for Ukraine and other soviet republics not to join hands with West that alarms Russians. Mister Zelensky would be a very good deterrent for human resistance in the event of an aliens attack. He has great courage with limited means

Ukraine president Zelensky will become the worst president in history of human race. Not a single building is under fire in US or NATO countries. All fire is on Ukraine. It would have been prudent for him to have moved out of Ukraine, settled in US or elsewhere. That would not have resulted in single loss of human life or destruction of buildings. Till day 7, it was acceptable. Now it is day 13. About a 10% of Ukraine has been razed down. It is certain that on 130th day, there will be nothing above land on Ukraine because the Russian armed forces are determined to demilitarize or denazify. Why is that US, NATO, Zelensky cannot see the future and hoist a peace flag atleast on day 14 instead of day 140 when Ukraine had been made a desert like land. It is said that no military in any country have used their own civilians as human shields. It is also said that Ukrainian military won't let a percentage of civilians evacuate the country. If Russian objective is to overthrow the present government at all costs, they will do so, no matter how many civilians are killed. Ukraine will not join NATO. Ukraine will not be permitted inside NATO. Roll back of number of NATO countries to 1990s. Only these three are needed to stop the war all of which are harmless. Why is it that these simple actions are not done. It is clear that US and NATO cannot handle Russia in the event of a war. A world war 3 between Russia and rest of the entire human world is only doomsday. Two TOPOL M ICBMs are enough to raze down a small country. The military technology and level that Russia possesses now, the organization called NATO is just an absurd concept. Say, Russia invades Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Moldova. Can US and NATO interfere then too. They won't and cannot. Because if they can, they would have sent their troops to Ukraine. Whatever Russia does, it cannot be stopped. Is there any sense of Ukraine prolonging the agony. Think of this. If  Ukraine had surrendered on day 1 itself. Russia appointed Yanokovich as president. Ukraine would not have had a single refugee. All buildings intact. Neighbouring countries are at peace without refugees. All parameters over the globe function undisturbed. Why is that the idiots of Ukraine choose to surrender on day 140 when there is nothing left to live. It is suicidal tendency. It is an indication of suicidal tendency of human people in 21st century. When there is fire in a forest, all animals will flee and be alive. They are "protective" of their life. It is stupid to fight the fire and die. All species except humans have tendency to "live", to "protect" their life somehow. Majority of humans have "suicidal " tendency only. US and NATO did not support Ukraine since day 1. Why is the mental retard Zelensky chooses the path of complete destuction and say to the world that he is a very brave man. He is not brave. He is suicidal. It seems majority of Ukrainians also have suicidal tendency. I pity the refugees who have wisely decided to go away and live like orphans but when these sane people come back there won't be buildings for them to live their life again because their suicidal leader and others have contributed to "beyond economical" repair damage. Ukraine had historic origins in Russia or we can say Russia had origins in Ukraine, Russian language and channels were banned in Ukraine in 2013 itself. Russia supporting leaders were killed in broadday light. That made the Russian iron - Red hot. As the result, the Soviet Red Army is inside Ukraine.

Russia, the affected, now the most affected

 This page was first published on 16 march, 2022 at

Russia - the "affected", now the "most affected"

About the ban on Russian sportsmen worldwide. 

It is unjust to ban "innocent" Russian sportsmen because of Russian attack on Ukraine. When a country like Russia has attacked Ukraine, it must have in its decision at least 100 pages for doing so and 10 more pages that can never be disclosed.

If Russia is isolated because of its attack on Ukraine. Then the countries that started World War 1 and 2 without proper justification or morality - they must have been kept in isolation too.  US and NATO countries have killed atleast one million during last two decades. Why did the world not isolate them. 

People with suicidal tendency are unnecessarily "increasing" the temperature of Russia which has dangerous potential to burn down complete Earth's surface. Instead of cooling it down, many countries are contributing to "doomsday dread"
Russia - the "affected" has become "more affected". USA situated 10,000 kms away from Russia was about to place missiles on Ukraine in excuse of NATO. Russians were diplomatic for 30 years. US and NATO jackals were torturing Russia. They created the firestorm - the war, now they are helping the refugees who were created because of them. Ukrainian leader Zelensky, US and NATO are responsible for the creation of war and refugees. What happened in Donetsk, Donbass and Luhansk - millions of mental retards have been kept in the dark of the thousands of murders by Ukraine, ..... by western media

Every destruction has equal and opposite destruction.
Every destruction will definitely have equal and opposite destruction.
How many million humans lost life because of corona virus
How many million humans lost life because of corona virus

America used two atom bombs, killed millions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, completely razed them down. Did the world alienate America. It has only made it more powerful. 

Germans killed millions of Jews during World War 2. Did the world alienate them. 

Japanese were the worst, their war crimes horrendous and brutally sadistic, does the world not buy sony, honda, toyota.
US and NATO killed at least a million at Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya during the last two decades. Did the world alienate them. Did Iraq have weapons of mass destruction. Why did they kill Saddam Hussein. 
USA situated 10,000 kms away from Russia has been torturing Russia since 1990s, with a concept and organizaion called NATO. EU is paying the price for torturing Russia with NATO proposal for ukraine for over 20 years. Russia need not attack the NATO countries, millions of ukrainian refugees are enough punishment. It is punishment for Ukranians also for supporting and electing a person like Zelensky as president. They must have chosen a president who "cared" for their welfare not cling to ego or US and bring all harm to them. It is punishment for US also, for its influence has been "de-hypnotized" and what "exactly" it was trying to do to Russia has come into clear light. For many, the sound "USA" has become disgusting, nauseating and repulsive. USA is a constant interference and torture for "normal" functioning of many countries that do not have geographical borders with USA. It seems that the USA government and its military has serious "attention seeking" mind disease
Gratitude wise, India did less to Russia, regarding attack on Ukraine. Russia created a serious enemy with USA and Great Britain - attacked them during Indo Pak war. It went to the extent of sending nuclear powered battle warships to Indian sea waters to attack US, UK warships. But India only "abstained" from voting. It did not even vote in favour of Russia. 
Gratitude wise, India did less to Russia
Russian nuclear submarines chased US and British warships on Indian waters that were about to launch attacks on India during Indo Pak war. 

ISIL Terrorists in Syria increased their dominance from 19,000 sq kms to 78,000 sq kms

Syria sent SOS signal to Moscow.
Russia conducted 71,000 airstrikes inside Syria, for Syria, to help President Assad be in power, to eliminate ISIS, ISIL terrorists. Seventy one thousand airstrikes during 6 years for a small country like syria. Which country will carry out 71,000 airstrikes for another country.
US and UK did not accept invitation by Russia to conduct airstrikes on ISIL terrorists. They kept quiet and released comments like "Russia killed lot of civilians .... Russia is inhuman etc... Just sitting quiet, they were releasing comments to media like this, on the 71,000 airstrikes conducted by Russia

The Cosmic Mind that has "given" S 400, S 500, S 550 missile defences, that itself is in favour of Russian military, it will be better if people keep quiet, not increase the temperature of Russia, that is already "hot" and try to be alive.

This page was first published on 16 march, 2022 at

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LION, cunning tiger and jackals

 Lion is Russia Cunning tiger is United States of America situated 10,000 kms from Russia. Jackals are countries of European Union and NATO ...